Imagine you were a squirrel. Describe how life would be.

Name Response
quarantineKWEEN i would have a giant furry tail that would keep me warm always. i would eat acorns. i would run around annoying people, because why the hell not i mean.
Think Dumplings It would be something like this:

Ah, yes. I was just born into this beautiful tree. It looks like a year has passed and it's time to explore!

Oooo is that an acorn!?!? NO WAY!

*The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go dead squirrel
All through the town*

The end.
Carlos Dabon It is hard being a squirrel. Humans try to get us but they are too big so we hide and run, there is only one human our size. I like eating nuts but I do prefer pepperoni pizza. I like fighting all the time.
livy smith If i could choose my squirrel I would definitely choose the ones that could fly. I don't like peanuts so maybe i would become a vegan squirrel just so i don't need to eat nuts because that is nasty. Other than that I would fly around and chill while i'm being vegan with my plants.
Dishwasher Constant fear. There would be a dog barking at me every second of the day from the window right across my oak tree. Like, what's his deal? I'm just minding my own business, burying acorns, unburrying acorns, re-burrying acorns. That dog needs to get a life.
joe, joe who? joe mamma ripping trashcans and eating what is inside.going in the park and protecting children getting bullied. fending off (or attacking) creepy men because someone has to protect women. its all about respect dudes and a squirrel can give women and children safety.
Anonymous i would be flyin' and zoomin' all around the place. But I would be small and sneak into trees to find acorns. Life would be simple but not simple because of people.
Krystal it would be terrifying because my dad hates squirrels and considers squirrels to be his mortal enemy. so if i ever ended up in his backyard then i would most likely be running for my life 24/7. oh and i would be digging up the grass just to annoy people.
Katie Bad because my dad is always trying to kill them
Siddhi I would relax and munch on acorns all day long.
Aishanee Fun, I get to chase other squirrels all day and walk across electric lines like a tightrope artist.
dristi I would be constantly looking for acorns and digging holes in the ground to place them in but then forgetting where I put them so it’s just an endless cycle of trying to find my acorns.
Francesca amazing. Alvin and the chipmunks
Tophat If I was a squirrel my day would consist of gathering nuts and sleeping. I would wake up whenever I would want to have a relaxing day.